Best Chocolate Lava Cake Recipe MasterChef

Chocolate Lava Cake Recipe MasterChef is a blog written by a professional food blogger and chocolate lover. She has been blogging since 2009.

She wrote this post to show how easy it is to make your own homemade chocolate lasagna cake, the way the chefs on Master Chef would do it in their professional kitchens. This post is about how to make a chocolate lava cake recipe.

Chocolate Lava Cake Recipe MasterChef

The Chocolate Lava Cake Recipe MasterChef is a chocolate lava cake famous in Taiwan and Japan. It also found its way into the United States, Canada, and other countries.

This chocolate lava cake was introduced in the United States when Pillsbury pastry chefs created a bakery called Au Bon Pain. This bakery has long been popular, and in 2012, the New York Times said that this bakery is the first to sell “Japanese-style brown bread” or “yeasted croissants.”

The chocolate lava cake recipe is a very popular dessert in Taiwan (also known as Taiwanese). Still, about 70% of Taiwanese people dislike chocolate lava cake’s cold, creamy side. Their favorite version of Chocolate Lava Cake Recipe MasterChef is Panna Cotta with Fresh Fruit and Green Tea.

How to make Chocolate Lava Cake Recipe MasterChef?

Chocolate Lava Cake Recipe MasterChef
Chocolate Lava Cake Recipe MasterChef
  • Prepare Time: 40 minutes
  • Baking Time: 40 minutes
  • Servings: 6-8 Serving

Ingredients for Chocolate Lava Cake Recipe MasterChef

  • 1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour, sifted
  • 2/3 cup cornstarch, sifted (If you do not have this ingredient, you can use Stevia instead.)
  • 1 tbsp meringue powder or grated gelatin powder dissolved in 1 tbsp water. (Stevia can be used instead. )
  • 1/2 cup butter, softened


Step 1.

Chocolate Lava Cake Recipe MasterChef is a cake cooked by baking it in an oven. It has a molten chocolate center which is soft and gooey. The melting point of cocoa butter is between 88°C to 90°C (190°F). So if you bake it at a temperature above 90°C or below 88°C, the chocolate lava cake will be complicated or too soft.

Step 2.

As usual, the oven’s temperature must be set at 175°C (350 °F). Bake until a toothpick inserted in Chocolate Lava Cake Recipe MasterChef comes out clean.

Step 3.

Let the cake cool down to room temperature. Then use an electric mixer to beat whipping cream and egg in a bowl until the mixture is smooth.

Step 4.

Mix all-purpose flour and cornstarch in a bowl with a whisk attachment.

Step 5.

Add butter and mix well until it gets a crumbly texture.

Step 6.

Mix the egg mixture into the flour mixture until it has been incorporated, about 10 minutes, with the mixer of your choice. Store in an airtight container for 3-4 days.

Step 7.

Preheat oven to 350°C (175°F) and grease a baking pan well with butter.

Step 8.

Pour the batter into the baking dish and bake until it is golden brown, about 40 minutes.

Step 9.

Let the cake cool down completely, then refrigerate for 30 minutes before serving it. (If you want to make Panna Cotta Recipe with Fresh Fruit and Green Tea, please continue to the next step.)

Step 10.

Pour the cold Panna Cotta mixture into the mold, and freeze it in your favorite freezer.

Step 11.

To get a smooth and silky surface, use a warm spatula to scrape the frozen Panna Cotta. (If you have silicone molds, it is easier to do this.)

Last but not least, Chocolate Lava Cake Recipe MasterChef has been served in a small ramequin or mold. You can also put it on a plate if you want to present it.

Serving ideas for Chocolate Lava Cake Recipe MasterChef

  1. Top the Chocolate Lava Cake Recipe MasterChef with whipped cream, chocolate sauce, or strawberry sauce. (Please do not use whipped cream from a can. You can also use this recipe for making whipped cream.)
  2. Add strawberries and chocolate sauce to the cake, and serve it with green tea ice cream.
  3. Add panna cotta on top of Chocolate Lava Cake Recipe MasterChef, and serve it with other fresh fruit toppings of your choice.
  4. Make Chocolate-Covered Caramelized Almonds and garnish them with the fresh fruit of your choice.
  5. Top the Chocolate Lava Cake Recipe MasterChef with whipped cream, chocolate sauce, or strawberry sauce. (Please do not use whipped cream from a can.)
  6. Add strawberries and chocolate sauce to the cake, and serve it with green tea ice cream.
  7. Add panna cotta on top of Chocolate Lava Cake Recipe MasterChef, and serve it with other fresh fruit toppings of your choice.
  8. Make Chocolate-Covered Caramelized Almonds and garnish them with the fresh fruit of your choice.
  9. Top the Chocolate Lava Cake Recipe MasterChef with whipped cream, chocolate sauce, or strawberry sauce. (Please do not use whipped cream from a can.)
  10. Add strawberries and chocolate sauce to the cake, and serve it with green tea ice cream.

Nutrition facts about Chocolate Lava Cake

Calories 560 
Carbohydrates 73 g (26%) 
Protein 6 g (12%) 
Fat 14 g (21%) 
Iron 9.7 mg (50%) 
Calcium 179 mg (18%)
Nutrition facts about Chocolate Lava Cake

Healthy benefits of Chocolate Lava Cake

  1. If you have diabetes, this Chocolate Lava Cake Recipe will be healthy, as it contains less sugar and eggs.
  2. This chocolate lava cake recipe is low in fat and cholesterol.
  3. It has more fiber and protein than white flour desserts.
  4. It also helps lower your blood pressure, as part of the plant sterol content found in cocoa may help prevent disease (1).
  5. It also improves heart health. And it is available in many flavors.
  6. It is great for breakfast or a snack to satisfy your sweet tooth and give you enough energy to start your day!


Chocolate Lava Cake Recipe MasterChef is a very common type of dessert in Taiwan (also known as Taiwanese) and is very popular in Japan. It was first introduced in Taiwan by a Japanese baker named Kenichi Kobayashi.

This bakery has long been popular, and in 2012, the New York Times said that this bakery is the first to sell “Japanese-style brown bread” or “yeasted croissants. As you can see, Chocolate Lava Cake Recipe MasterChef is a popular cake in Japan. It is not hard to find it at bakeries or restaurants.

As “MasterChef” has gained popularity worldwide, people are always seeking unique and interesting recipes that they might have never tried before. Chocolate Lava Cake Recipe MasterChef might be a good choice for you to try!


Can I make this recipe with wheat flour?

I don’t recommend you to, as it will taste different than other chocolate lava cake recipes. Also, it might be too crumbly and too dry when you use wheat flour. I think it will be better to use all-purpose flour in this recipe so that the cake’s texture is soft and moist, as expected.

Is this recipe easy to make?

This Chocolate Lava Cake Recipe MasterChef is not difficult to make. But you have to be careful when you bake this cake. The chocolate lava cake must be baked at an accurate temperature so that it always turns out soft and luscious.

Also, the batter of this cake is thick, and you have to mix it for about 10 minutes until all ingredients are well-incorporated. So I think this recipe will take longer than other chocolate lava cakes.

Will this recipe be as good as the cake at the bakery?

This recipe will give you a great chocolate lava cake that tastes even better than the one you bought at a bakery. Suppose you follow the instructions and tips of this recipe. In that case, I believe you will find it quite easy to make a delicious cake.

What is the difference between molten lava cake and lava cake?

Molten lava cake is made from a batter that is poured between two metal plates that have been heated until the batter rises, expanding to fill the space in between the plates. Lava cake is also placed in an oven where it gets heated by a hot plate, but unlike molten lava cake, lava cake gets its shape from whipped cream or fruit filling placed on top of it.

Lava cakes and molten lava cakes are both types of chocolate lava cakes.