Publix Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe: easy 10 step

Publix Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe is easier than you think. Below is a list of ingredients and instructions as to what to do. This is a cookie recipe that everyone will love, and you’ll be able to make them in no time.

Making the chocolate chip cookie portion is easy, but the frosting on top of them has to be what makes them. I love ice cream and chocolate chip cookies.

It doesn’t matter how old I am or when I get married or anything like that. I will always have this in my heart because it reminds me of my childhood. Growing up, we always make these at least once a week because they are so easy and delicious.

Publix Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe
Publix Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe

What Is Publix Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe?

This chocolate chip cookie recipe is hardly a secret. It is a Publix chocolate chip cookie recipe, so I don’t imagine it’s hard for anyone to find. It’s a great crowd-pleaser, and everyone will love them. There are different variations of this recipe, and I’ll tell you about that too.

If you’re looking for a Publix chocolate chip cookie recipe with many ingredients, you’ll love this one. Ingredients are pretty simple. You start with chocolate chips that have been melted in butter along with sugar and butter. Next comes the flour and eggs, and then finally the vanilla extract. You can add salt, pepper or nuts if you like.

How To Make Publix Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe?


  • 2 sticks butter or 1 cup
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 egg
  • 2 cups flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 1/2 cups chocolate chips
  • 1 1/2 teaspoon baking powder


Step 1. Get started by adding your flour, salt, and baking powder. Mix all of these.

Step 2. Next, you should add two eggs and your vanilla extract. Mix them until it looks all combined.

Step 3. Now you should add 1 cup of chocolate chips and 1 teaspoon of sugar to the mixture and mix everything until the sugar is completely dissolved into the cookie batter.

Step 4. Now you need to heat a pan and melt two tablespoons of butter.

Step 5. Add 1 cup of sugar and mix it all until it’s smooth.

Step 6. Add in the flour, salt, and baking powder that you added at the beginning of the recipe and mix it with the chocolate chip cookie batter until everything is evenly mixed.

Step 7. Pour this cookie batter into the bowl that has melted butter in it. Mix them gently until they look evenly mixed throughout all of the batters.

Step 8. Next, you should drop the batter onto your pan that has been heated up.

Step 9. Bake them at 325F for 20 to 25 minutes or until golden brown at the edges and cooked through in the middle.

Step 10. Cool them off, and then you can frost them however you want!

How Long Will It Take To Prepare?

  • Prepare Time: 10 Minutes       
  • Cook Time: 20 to 25 Minutes
  • Total Tiem: 45 Minutes
  • Serving Size: 1 Cookie
  • Difficulty: Easy

Nutrition fact oF Publix Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe

Protein2 grams
Carbohydrates32 grams
Saturated Fat3.5 grams
Sugar18 grams
Fiber1 gram
Cholesterol“0” mg

05 Healthy Benefits Of Publix Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe

1. It’s super easy to make:

You’ve got the most basic ingredients, so they should come together quickly. This makes it a great recipe for beginners and someone who needs a quick cookie.

2. They are healthy:

But they aren’t that healthy. Just think about how many calories there are in one of these cookies! There are only 225 calories in this recipe, so you’ll still be able to eat as much as you want without gaining too much weight, even if you’re trying to lose weight!

3. It can be made in no time:

All the ingredients are easy to find, and you’ll have to mix them. You don’t even have to bake it for very long either. That makes this recipe a favorite for very busy people.

4. They are good for a crowd:

There are many different ways to bake these cookies, too, so they’ll appeal to the crowd. If you’re serving a crowd of people, these should be the cookie to make because they’ll all love them so much.

5. It’s an easy recipe to make:

It doesn’t take a ton of time, and you don’t have to spend much money on ingredients either. This makes it very accessible for just about anyone who wants to bake. It’s good for kids too!

What Are Some Publix Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe Variations?

You’re not stuck with the basic chocolate chip cookie recipe for this one. There are several variations that you can try that all sound delicious.

This means you’ll be able to find a cookie for anyone because there are so many options. If you want something that is not chocolate chip, there are even recipes for those.


Publix chocolate chip cookie recipe is a simple one to make. You can make them quickly, and they are easy to make. They’re delicious, and you’ll love their texture. These are delicious and healthy cookies to have.

You can make it with the chocolate chips you want, so try to get some that are organic or come from a brand like Costco because those tend to be healthier.

If you want a different flavor, try to find one that isn’t chocolate chip and add some white chocolate chips too. They’re not just for chocolate lovers!