White Chocolate Covered Pretzels Recipe: Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth

Welcome to our delightful world of sweet and salty indulgence! Today, we’re diving into creating the perfect White Chocolate Covered Pretzels. This easy and addictive recipe is a game-changer for snack lovers and will be a hit at any gathering or event.

With just a few simple ingredients and some creative flair, you can craft these delectable treats right in the comfort of your kitchen. Get ready to experience the magic of the creamy white chocolate melding with the satisfying crunch of pretzels.

Whether you’re looking for a quick party pleaser or a delightful treat to satisfy your sweet tooth, this homemade White Chocolate Covered Pretzels Recipe will soon become a favourite. So, let’s roll up our sleeves and embark on this delicious adventure together!

White Chocolate Covered Pretzels Recipe
White Chocolate Covered Pretzels Recipe

How to make White Chocolate Covered Pretzels Recipe?

  • Total Time: 10 minutes
  • Serving Size: 8 servings


  • One package of large pretzel sticks,
  • 2 cups (1 pkg) or bag of white chocolate melting wafers,
  • 2 tbsp. vegetable oil,
  • 1 tbsp. granulated sugar,
  • Eight oz. Canola oil-based vegetable oil for deep-frying.


STEP 1: Combine pretzels and chocolate melting wafers; coat evenly with vegetable oil.

STEP 2: In a heavy saucepan, heat oil to 330 Degrees F.

STEP 3: Place pretzels to coat with oil on a shallow baking sheet.

STEP 4: Heat until oil is hot enough to form a golden crust on the outside of each pretzel stick, about 30 seconds.

STEP 5: Brown all sides of pretzels until golden brown, about 2 to 3 minutes.

STEP 6: Remove browned pretzels from the oil and place them in a large bowl for coating with sugar. STEP 7: Pour vegetable oil into the pan again, and heat to 320 Degrees F.

STEP 8: Drop browned pretzels into heated oil and fry at 320 F for 2 to 3 minutes.

STEP 9: Remove browned pretzels from the oil and place them in the reserved bowl.

STEP 10: Add sugar to melted chocolate-coated pretzels, stirring until mixed well.

STEP 11: Allow the mixture to cool before serving.

STEP 12: Store in an airtight container for up to 1 week or freeze for up to one-half month. Enjoy!


This recipe is not sponsored. The writer would like to thank the author of the formula, Ann M. Going, for her creations.

Serving ideas for White Chocolate Covered Pretzels Recipe:

There are many ways to help and enjoy white chocolate-covered pretzels! Here are a few serving ideas:

  1. PARTY SNACK: Arrange the pretzels on a platter or bowl and serve them as a sweet and salty party snack.
  2. GIFT OR FAVOUR: Package the pretzels in clear cellophane bags tied with ribbon or in small gift boxes for a sweet treat to give as a gift or party favour.
  3. DESSERT: Serve the pretzels as a dessert option, alone or alongside other sweets such as cupcakes or ice cream.
  4. COFFEE OR TEA ACCOMPANIMENT: Pair the pretzels with a hot beverage, such as coffee or tea, for a sweet and salty treat.
  5. MOVIE NIGHT SNACK: Enjoy the pretzels as a movie night snack, alone or mixed with other treats like popcorn or candy.
  6. DECORATED DESSERT: Add a special touch by decorating the pretzels with coloured sprinkles or chopped nuts for a festive dessert.
  7. ICE CREAM TOPPING: Crumble the pretzels and use them as a topping for ice cream for a crunchy, sweet and salty treat.
  8. SNACK: Enjoy the pretzels as an everyday snack by eating them alone or mixed with various snacks, such as fruit and cheese.
  9. SANDWICH: Spread peanut butter on one side and white chocolate over the other side and serve in a small sandwich baggie for a fun dessert option.

Nutrition Facts of White Chocolate Covered Pretzels Recipe:

Here are the updated nutrition facts for the White Chocolate Covered Pretzels Recipe, based on eight servings:

Serving size: 8 servings (2 pretzels per serving)

Calories 168
Saturated Fat 3.8g
Cholesterol 0mg
Sodium 192mg
Total Carbohydrates 26g
Dietary Fiber 0g
Total Sugars 12g


The nutrition facts may vary based on the specific brand of ingredients used in the recipe. Also, the nutrition facts may change if any additional toppings are added to the recipe.

Some FAQ:

Is it healthy?

The White Chocolate Covered Pretzels Recipe is healthy for kids and adults alike. The pretzels are packed with fibre and protein, and other health-promoting ingredients.

The added sugar in this recipe is a very small amount and is more of a sweetening agent. The pretzels themselves are low in Fat, high in fibre and sodium free. The soft pretzel sticks are perfect for snacking or dunking into your favourite dip.

How long do white chocolate-covered pretzels last?

White chocolate-covered pretzels can last up to 2 weeks if stored properly. Place the pretzels in an airtight container or zip-top bag and store them at room temperature in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and heat.

It’s essential to keep them away from moisture as the moisture can cause the chocolate to become soft and sticky. Additionally, if the pretzels have toppings, such as sprinkles or nuts, they may not last as long and should be consumed within a few days.

Are yoghurt-covered pretzels just white chocolate?

No, yoghurt-covered pretzels are not the same as white chocolate-covered pretzels. While both have a similar appearance, they have different ingredients.

Yoghurt-covered pretzels are made with a coating that contains yoghurt powder, which gives them a tangy flavour. The layer typically includes sugar, palm kernel oil, and nonfat milk powder.

On the other hand, white chocolate-covered pretzels are made with a coating of melted white chocolate chips made with cocoa butter, sugar, and milk solids. White chocolate has a rich, creamy flavour different from the tangy taste of yoghurt-covered pretzels.

So, while both types of covered pretzels may look similar, they have different flavours and ingredients.

Why are my chocolate-covered pretzels white?

If your chocolate-covered pretzels appear white, it is likely due to a “chocolate bloom” process. Chocolate bloom occurs when the cocoa butter separates from the other ingredients and rises to the surface, creating a whitish-grey film on the chocolate. There are two types of bloom, fat bloom and sugar bloom.

Fat bloom occurs when chocolate is exposed to high temperatures or fluctuating temperatures. When the chocolate melts and then cools, the cocoa butter can separate from the chocolate and rise to the surface, creating a white or greyish appearance on the chocolate.

Sugar bloom occurs when moisture comes into contact with the chocolate, causing the sugar in the chocolate to dissolve and then recrystallize on the surface of the chocolate, creating a white, grainy texture.

Storing chocolate-covered pretzels in a cool, dry place, away from heat and moisture, is essential to avoid chocolate bloom. You can also try tempering the chocolate before coating the pretzels, which involves heating and cooling the chocolate to create a stable crystal structure that is less likely to bloom.

Do white chocolate pretzels need to be refrigerated?

White chocolate-covered pretzels do not necessarily need to be refrigerated, but they should be stored properly to maintain their freshness and prevent them from melting or becoming sticky.

Ideally, it would help if you stored white chocolate-covered pretzels in an airtight container or zip-top bag at room temperature in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and heat. The temperature should be below 70°F (21°C) to prevent the chocolate from melting.

If you live in a warm or humid climate or your kitchen is hot, you may consider storing the pretzels in the refrigerator to keep them cool and prevent the chocolate from melting. However, it’s important to note that refrigeration can cause the pretzels to become soft and lose their crispness over time.

If you choose to refrigerate the pretzels, place them in an airtight container or zip-top bag to prevent moisture from getting in and causing the chocolate to bloom. Before serving the pretzels, allow them to come to room temperature to restore their texture and crispness.


In conclusion, white chocolate-covered pretzels can be stored at room temperature in an airtight container or zip-top bag, away from direct sunlight and heat.

However, if you live in a warm or humid climate or your kitchen is hot, you may consider storing the pretzels in the refrigerator to keep them cool and prevent the chocolate from melting. Just allow them to come to room temperature before serving to restore their texture and crispness.

It’s essential to store the pretzels properly to maintain their freshness and prevent chocolate bloom, which can occur when the cocoa butter separates from the other ingredients and rises to the surface, creating a whitish-grey film on the chocolate.