Dunkin Hot Chocolate Recipe: Easy step

Dunkin Hot Chocolate Recipe is a simple and delicious hot chocolate recipe that tastes just like the popular coffee chain. You can make this recipe with your favorite hot chocolate mix or the Dunkin’ Donuts Hot Chocolate Mix to make it more authentic.

Dunkin’ Donuts uses Ghirardelli chocolate to make their hot chocolate, and we recommend using Ghirardelli to create a more authentic beverage.

Our hot chocolate recipe also uses ice cream for added creaminess and sweetness. You do not have to include ice cream in the Dunkin’ Donuts recipe, but we recommend it.

Breakfast is the day’s most important meal, and Dunkin’ Donuts is a great way to start your day. The coffee shop offers several breakfast dishes, coffee, and other snack items.

Dunkin Hot Chocolate Recipe
Dunkin Hot Chocolate Recipe

What is Dunkin Hot Chocolate?

Dunkin’ Donuts opened in 1950 with a single store on the corner of Yonge and St. Clair in Canada and the United States. The first Dunkin’ Donuts store was in Quincy, Massachusetts.

The first name for the restaurant was Dunkin’ Donuts Coffee Roasters. Still, it soon became Dunkin’ Donuts after its founder’s impression of an American doughnut baker who delivered hotcakes to homes.

Dunkin’ Donuts is famous for its original recipe donuts, a variety of beverages, and breakfast and other baked goods. The company opened its first restaurant in 1963. It now operates over 11,200 restaurants outside of the US in 45 countries. Dunkin’ Donuts is headquartered in Canton, Massachusetts.

How to make Dunkin Hot Chocolate Recipe?

  • Prepare Time: 10 minutes
  • Cooking Time:5 minutes
  • Total Time: 15 mintues
  • Servings:1 batch


  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1 1/2 cups heavy cream
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 package hot chocolate mix or 2 1/2 tablespoons of Ghirardelli cocoa powder (1 ounce)
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 3 cups milk


Step 1. Combine the water, salt, and heavy cream in a saucepan and boil. Whisk in the cocoa powder until it becomes smooth.

Step 2. Add the sugar and milk to the brewed mixture, stirring constantly.

Step 3. Pour the hot chocolate into a mug and add ice cream to taste if desired. Garnish with mint or whipped cream and serve immediately.

Step 4. Dunkin’ Donuts uses Ghirardelli cocoa powder, but you can substitute it with cocoa powder or another brand of hot chocolate mix, like Nestle.

Step 5. A standard package of hot chocolate is about 2 1/2 tablespoons or the size of an unshelled almond. But each manufacturer’s size and weight container is different, so measure carefully for the most accurate results.

Step 6. Garrerdelli manufactures high-quality cocoa powder from premium cocoa bean blends grown in their family-owned groves worldwide. Ghirardelli offers superior-tasting products to make your cakes, candies, hot cocoa mixes, and other enjoyable treats delicious.

Step 7. Dunkin Hot Chocolate Recipe is a delicious hot treat for any time of the year. You can make this recipe with your favorite hot chocolate mix or the Dunkin’ Donuts Hot Chocolate Mix to make it more authentic.

Step 8. Change the ingredients in this Dunkin’ Donuts hot chocolate recipe, and use your favorite flavors and toppings. When making changes, keep in mind that you want to keep the flavors of this beverage familiar and not overpowering.

Nutrition Fact of Dunkin Hot Chocolate Recipe

Calories 282
Saturated Fat4.1g
Dietary Fiber0.2g
Dunkin Hot Chocolate Recipe

10 Amazing  serving ideas  for Dunkin Hot Chocolate Recipe

1. Serve the hot chocolate in a glass mug with a pair of stir sticks. Add crushed gingersnaps over the foam at the top of the drink to garnish. Sprinkle the whipped cream and mint garnish on top if you like.

2. The hot chocolate can be served at room temperature in an iced cup or chilled in an ice-filled glass for a cold beverage. It will disappear quickly from your drink if it is too hot, so be careful to sip it slowly and enjoy every sip!

3. hot chocolate is delicious with or without ice cream. You can also use your favorite flavored ice cream, like coffee, mint chocolate chip, or vanilla.

4. The hot chocolate is also great with a splash of alcohol for party guests who want something more substantial than a coffee house beverage. Add 1/3 cup of Kahlua to the drink and watch the alcohol percentage rise!

5. Use the hot chocolate to make your homemade frozen treat by mixing softened vanilla ice cream in a blender or food processor. Let the mixture blend until the ice cream is entirely evenly combined. Pour into a dish and freeze according to the manufacturer’s instructions. You can serve it in a glass and top it with whipped cream or caramel sauce when it is frozen.

6. The hot chocolate can be served warm or cold in its mug, or you can use a frozen face to make your own ice-cream-topped hot chocolate drink.

7. You can also use hot chocolate to make a simple dessert by battering and frying zucchini pieces. Serve with ice cream or whipped cream on top.

8. You can also use hot chocolate to make a unique breakfast blend. Pour the cooked breakfast cereal into a bowl after it is cooled and add warm milk, stirring well to combine. The warm milk will soften the cereal grains, making it easier for you to eat and more enjoyable for your taste buds!

9. The hot chocolate can be served with fresh raspberries, strawberries, or blueberries if you’ve got some on hand. This is a fun way to kick up your regular dessert menu!

10. Dunkin’ Hot Chocolate is also excellent as a topping for homemade brownies or cookies. You can mix in the hot chocolate by spooning it into the batter before putting it into the pan. Or, drizzle the warm drink over the cake after it has cooled. Yum!

Is Dunkin Donuts hot chocolate healthy?

Dunkin Hot Chocolate is not just any ordinary hot chocolate. It is a healthier alternative to unhealthy coffee or chocolate drinks loaded with sugar. Dunkin Donuts hot chocolate is beneficial because it contains no added sugar and high amounts of caffeine.

It also does not have dairy products, making it a better choice for lactose-intolerant people. Besides being rich in caffeine, hot cocoa contains protein, antioxidants, and B vitamins which are also good for your health as they help improve bone health, cognitive function, and metabolism.

Does Dunkin use water in their hot chocolate?

Dunkin Donuts does not use water in their hot chocolate, instead using heavy cream or milk. This is done for several reasons: Water is not as rich-tasting as milk or cream, it will not dissolve the cocoa powder fast enough, and it can sometimes cause clumping. Heavy cream and milk contain more fat which is good for health. They also provide a good amount of protein and many vitamins.

Bottom Line

Dunkin Donuts hot chocolate is not just hot chocolate. It is an excellent alternative to coffee that contains more caffeine, less sugar, protein, and essential vitamins that can be good for your health. However, it does have a lot of calories and fat, so it should best be consumed in moderation.

I hope you enjoy this amazing hot chocolate recipe, and I’d love to hear about it in your comments below!